Labels:bulletin board | sky | window OCR: Xferit Macintosh FIPClient 199 1992 Steven Falkenburg, Portions Symantec UNREGISTERED COPY This product is distributed ShareWare Youmay use the program for a brial Iperiod of 30 days, after "which you must pay the ShareWare fee to register your copy Unlicensedi re- -distribution by end- -user sites or including the software with commercial products without express permission of the author prohib ited. Re-distrib ution on public on-line seryices or anonymous sites permitted License Fees 1U.S Make Checks Payable $10 Single Use Steven Falkenburg $45 Workgroup [2-30 users] 10270 Parkwood Dr $175 Location [30-500 users] Cupertino, CA 95014 Please include electronic-mail contact address with wour paynent This wil be used to notify you of your r registration number : and upcoming software updates ...